Thursday, August 19, 2010

My name is Kyla and I'm a serial girlfriend

There. I've said it. Or at least written it. I've admitted the truth to myself and sent it out into the cosmos. Also known as cyberspace, where Lord knows who (if anyone) will see. But it's well-known fact that the first step to recovery is admitting that you have a problem. Does anyone know what the second step is?

Let me give you a little background: I have been in a relationship (not the same one, but a relationship) for the past 14 years of my life. That's more than 50% of the time that I've been alive. I'll break it down further for the mathematically challenged - I am 26 years old and I have been a girlfriend to someone since the age of 12. That is, until recently.

Through the magic of therapy, I have come to realize that this pattern of behavior is not healthy and has quite stunted my individual development. Who knew? (Come to think of it, probably anyone that would be reading this blog knew, but please refrain from saying or typing "I told you so;" I know you told me so and I would love it if we could just keep it at that.)

For 14 years I've jumped immediately from one relationship to the next. In that 14 years I've dated all types, all types: the smart guy, the devout church boy, the rebellious musician, the older guy, the athlete, the adventurous outdoorsy type, the funny guy, the wealthy foreigner, the tortured artist, the Southerner with a similar white bread background. And each new relationship was accompanied by the dream that this will be the person to complete me. To make me whole and make me happy. Never allowing myself to entertain the idea that I am responsible for my own happiness, not someone else. And each new relationship started with a confident version of myself. But not confident because I valued myself highly, confident because someone else valued me highly. And in each relationship I would try to be the perfect version of Kyla that I thought Boyfriend-of-the-Moment wanted me to be, rather than investing my effort into becoming the person that I wanted me to be. And I would inevitably start to resent Boyfriend-of-the-Moment because I tried so hard to mold myself into his perfect match, but I would finally reach a point where I couldn't live inside the mold I had created for myself anymore. So I would give up and start the cycle again with someone else.

But this time, I have broken the mold and have decided not to create another one ever again.

So this is me. Mold free. Which is also how I see this blog. Mold free. A place to explore things that interest me, excite me, upset me, offend me, scare me, speak to me, inspire me, perplex me, and a place to work on being the me that I want me to be, not just a serial girlfriend. Where I'm not concerned with sticking to a theme or presenting myself as the expert in a particular field, but really just want to grow and have fun and track my progress. And if someone else is helped by something I write here, that'd be really cool, but I'm not so vain as to think this blog really would benefit anyone else more than it would benefit me. So here goes my mold-free self. This is scary. And exciting. But mostly exciting.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. When in doubt as to what the next step is, ask yourself "What would Carrie Bradshaw do?" And if no profound answer comes to mind, default to cocktails ;-) Okay, so that may be MY cure-all, but having a FABULOUS circle of friends as we do is no doubt essential.
    You're finding out how YOU like YOUR eggs and that's incredible!!! I know it will be scary, exciting, and everything in between. And just know that I'll be there anytime for anything. It's a very short 4 hours to Chicago.
    Love ya, kiddo!

  3. This is definitely exciting - and although it may be scary (any time you take a major step that's in your OWN best interest, it's scary), the best part is the time of discovery!


  4. You have already progressed miles upon miles, just by facing the truth, and taking the steps YOU need to learn who YOU are and what's best for YOU! Reach out, branch out, and every once in a while, just veg out. Love you, Mom.

  5. I love it and love YOU! Enjoy blogging - can't wait to take the ride with you!

  6. I love your intro for your blog, and I think the blog is a great idea! We have known each other for 12 years now, and I can't wait to experience mid adult years together! Love you!!!!

  7. kyla has always been very cool. i'm happy for her growth/progress/blog and that she would share it with the world.
